Exploring the world around us is an integral part of the Montessori curriculum. Students will participate in a variety or field trips, going outs, and classroom visitors throughout the year. Each field trip presents a different opportunity to apply what has been worked on in the classroom. In some cases we will travel as a whole school on a field trip. These are usually to plays, museums, or the zoo. These field trips appeal to all ages and can be tailored to reach each student in a meaningful way. For example, on our zoo field trips the older students can attend special workshops while the younger students prefer to spend their time visiting all the animals. As students get older and show maturity and individual interests they can participate in going outs. These are very small trips that are usually organized by one or two students. The students plan the going out including: transportation, cost, food, and topic. They present their plan to the teacher for approval. In some cases we will have special visitors who can come to our school. These visitors can bring materials to the students and bring life to a unit of study. In all of these extracurricular experiences the students are given the opportunity to experience the world around.